Charter School’s Cash Payments to Parents

Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators, June 6, 2022

Education Voters of PA has obtained official emails and blank reimbursement forms along with screen shots from a Commonwealth Charter Academy Facebook page that reveal during the 2021-2022 school year, CCA, Pennsylvania’s largest cyber charter school with an enrollment of nearly 20,000 students, is using tax dollars to: send every family a cash payment of $150 (March 25, 2022); provide a $250 “community class” cash reimbursement for each student enrolled, and provide a $200 “personal field trip” cash reimbursement for each student enrolled. Facebook posts* in a CCA parent page show families discussing spending tax dollars provided by CCA to purchase meals and games Dave and Busters arcade, attend a Motley Crue concert, take a trip to Austria, buy Eagles tickets, take family vacations to Universal Studios and Disney, pay for scuba, ski, and horseback riding lessons. CCA is also using school field trips to market to families. Read the rest of the story: “Are Cyber Charters Playing Games with Pennsylvania Tax Dollars?” (from, 5/23/22).

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